Monday 18 November 2013

Spook's: Alice by Joseph Delaney‏

Summary from Goodreads

"A lot of dark stuff happened when I was young that I‘ve never even told to my dearest friend, Tom Ward. Dark and scary things I hoped I had left behind for ever . . ."

Over the years, Alice has fought evil side by side with the Spook and his apprentice, Thomas Ward. But now Alice is alone – in the realm of the dark. And the creatures she has helped to banish there, now have the chance to take their revenge.

Alice must seek the final weapon needed to destroy the Fiend for good. If she fails, the world will fall into despair and darkness. If she succeeds, it means facing her own death at the hands of her dearest friend. But can she prevent the darkness from taking her over completely . . . ?

The penultimate installment of the Wardstone Chronicles follows Alice, Thomas Ward’s loyal companion, to the most terrifying place of all.

Paperback, 294 pages
Published June 6th 2013 by Bodley Head

My Review

I love Alice and I've always found her interesting and very like able - so I was seriously excited to pick up this penultimate instalment in the Wardstone Chronicles, because this is all about her!

We are plunged into the very depths of the dark, on Alice's search for the last weapon needed to defeat the Fiend! Alice is thrown into immediate danger from the off and things very quickly spiral out of control and get extremely dangerous.

What I liked the most were the flashbacks into Alice's very dark past, we got to learn so much more about how she was brought up and the dangers she faced. There were lots of little interesting stories, but what I particularly liked was the dark deeds Bony Lizzie had her do.

The dark realm is ever changing and has terrifying things to uncover around every corner. Alice makes her tricky journey through with the help of an ally she wasn't expecting to bump into, but that isn't all she bumps into....

Lots of old enemies crawl out of the word work and they are after Alice's head. She faces battle after raging battle in her search and it's definitely not an easy task!

The ending was quite awesome indeed - shocks and hope!

This penultimate instalment is fantastically written, has gorgeous descriptors and vivid landscaping. It's filled with; action, danger, deadly characters, shocks and thrills. We are left off in the unknown, with tons of new questions.

Eeekkk - I actually cannot contain my excitement for the final book!!

4.5 / 5 Stars

*Special thanks to Bodley Head for the review copy*

1 comment:

Talk to me lovely people! :)