Sunday 30 December 2012

Father Christmas Needs a Wee by Nicholas Allan

My Review

I really wanted to get this book review out a whole lot sooner but I couldn't manage to find the book anywhere, because my daughter loved it so much she had booknapped it!! Nicholas Allan I'm sure puts smiles on faces everywhere with his hilarious books but Father Christmas Needs a Wee's full on silliness will have you giggling out loud along with your little one! It is fabulously fun, wonderfully illustrated and has an amazing rhyming quality to it! Best of all it has SANTA, which is most probably why my daughter was keeping it safely hidden! There is also 2 lessons for little people - a fun way to learn to count and also not to drink too much or you will need to go to the loo, if you are a parent I'm sure you know all too well this is something you are sick saying, lol! Anyway, I think this is the perfect festive book for children everywhere! Also please do check out Nicholas Allan's other works & you will be in for a real treat!

5/5 Stars!

*Special thanks to Random House Children's Books for the review copy*

Carly :)


*please note the book cover is slightly different than the one I received for review*


  1. The cover and title put a smile on my face, as well as the fact that your daughter hid it - too cute!


Talk to me lovely people! :)