Wednesday 25 April 2012

Going Under By Georgia Cates - Blog Tour - Guest Post

Going Under
By Georgia Cates 

Genre: YA 

Jessie Boone is a self proclaimed bad boy and doesn’t march to the beat of anyone’s drum, but his own. Growing up in less than desirable circumstances has made him no stranger to the hard knock life and his determination to leave it behind is fierce. When he finds himself transferred to East Franklin High School, he sees his opportunity to use his athletic ability to snag a college football scholarship, but Forbes Henderson, the player Jessie means to replace isn’t giving up his spot willingly. In fact, Forbes is willing to go to extreme measures to retain his place as first string quarterback. When Forbes’ malicious plan to injure his replacement fails, Jessie is furious and determined to show him he messed with the wrong person; not only is he going to take the position of first string quarterback, he’s going to take his girl, too.

Claire Deveraux is perfection at it’s best. She is beautiful, intelligent and unaware she just became Jessie Boone’s conquest as revenge against her boyfriend, Forbes Henderson. Like her flawless performance as the perfect daughter and student, Claire’s production of being the perfect girlfriend has everyone fooled, except Jessie Boone, and she fears this tattooed bad boy will see her secret desire to explore his crude threats and promises to rock her perfect world. If she decides to give in to one uninhibited moment with Jessie, will she learn too late that it was all an act of vengeance or will Jessie learn the taste of first love is sweeter than that of revenge?

Excerpt Going Under 

I watched a cigarette butt fly out of the new guy’s driver’s side window, then his door swung open in front of me, preventing my escape. He stepped out of his truck, looked down at me and grinned as he said, “Pardon me, Princess. I didn’t mean to block your way.”

His voice was velvety smooth, but I didn’t mistake it’s coolness as his tone conveyed his contempt for me. His unmistakable dislike of me immediately raised my hellcat flag because he had nothing to base his aversion on since he didn’t know me.

This was our first time face to face and up close. The other times I saw him was when I stole a few glances during cheerleading practice over the last two weeks during the times I was certain Forbes wasn’t watching me.

I realized he was so much more handsome than I originally thought now that his face mask wasn’t obstructing my view. His hair was as black as I expected, and spikey, and his pale blue eyes were piercing. The contrast of their paleness against his dark hair was almost shocking and I had to force myself to not become lost.

I was angry with him for making assumptions about me, but I was furious with myself for finding him so captivating. I tasted my bitter reaction as it formed on my tongue, but couldn’t stop myself from blurting out, “Asshole.”

He placed his hand over the left side of his chest where his heart would be and said, “I felt that straight through my heart. That’s definitely going to leave a mark.”

I watched him shut his door while he waited for my counterattack and I pushed past him as I said, “Screw you and my name is not Princess. It’s Claire, so if you’re going to insult me, at least have the decency to get my name right.”

“Hmm, I think I’ll stick with Princess. It seems to suit you better,” he said to my back as I walked away.

I couldn’t be certain there weren’t flames coming off the heels of my boots as I practically ran away, but Payton managed to catch up with me and said, “I’m totally disgusted by you, Claire.”

“And why would that be?” I almost yelled.

“That was one of the best displays of underthinking I’ve ever seen. He bested you and I know I taught you better than that. You basically rolled over. How can I call you my best friend when you caved so easily? And by the way, you’ve got something on your ass.”

I spun around to look at the back of my dress as I pulled the skirt part around to look and said, “What is it?”

“Hot New Guy’s eyes.” She died out laughing and said, “Sorry, Claire, but you walked right into that one.”

I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips as I said, “Maybe you’re the bigger asshole of the two of you. You should definitely be a couple.”

“That lacked creativity and it’s insulting to me as your slander master. We have to work on your comebacks because you are seriously letting me down,” she said, then added, “I wish you could see your face right now. Whatever he just did to you has you clueless. You can’t decide if you should be pissed off at him or hot for him.”

I turned to look at this crazy person I called a bestie standing next to me. “I’m jealous of whatever are you smoking because it has you completely reality challenged.”

“He got it all wrong when he called you Princess. He should have called you Queen of Denial because you’ll never admit what’s going on here,” she accused.

It was just like Payton to draw a conclusion with no real evidence to support her theory. “I have no idea what kind of nonsense you’re talking about.”

“I hope he got plenty of rest last night because his legs are gonna be really tired after he runs through your mind all day,” she laughed and joked, making me livid.

“You must have taken your sleeping pill this morning instead of last night because you are dreaming.”

“When you look back on this moment months from now, don’t forget the one word I’m about to say to you, Claire Deveraux. Foreplay.”

About the Author: 

I reside in rural Mississippi with my wonderful husband, Jeff, and our two beautiful daughters.

I spent thirteen years as a labor and delivery nurse before I decided to pursue my dream of becoming an author.

Blood of Anteros, Book One in The Vampire Agápe Series, was my first novel and it was released in September 2011.

I decided to step away from the paranormal genre to try my hand at a young adult romance and I loved it. It was so much fun, I plan to do it again in the near future.


 Guest Post

Changes in my Style of Writing 

People will see an entirely different writing style in Going Under than what they saw in my first book, Blood of Anteros. I’ve only published two books, so this is still relatively new to me and I want to explore the different avenues to find what it the best fit for me and my imagination.

In Blood of Anteros, Book One of The Vampire Agápe Series, I was able to explore the paranormal side of my imagination. I loved how the paranormal element gave me the ability to imagine anything and make it happen. Simply put-it was fun.

In Going Under, I was able to explore writing geared more in the teen direction. Where Blood of Anteros has little humor, Going Under is infused with it-especially from Claire’s best friend, Payton. (Gosh, I love that girl.)

I have learned some things about my abilities as a writer while on this journey. I wish I could please everyone, but I can’t. I’ve learned to take criticism. It’s a hard pill to swallow sometimes, but better in pill form than a suppository. (I’m laughing out loud as I type that.) I’m not limited to one basic style of writing. I am an incredibly dynamic person and so is my writing. What does that mean? Expect the unexpected.

I never intended for Going Under to be a series, but readers have asked for Payton’s story. This tells me I did something right, so I’m considering it. I placed a poll on my blog to help measure the demand for it. If you’ve read Going Under and want to hear Payton’s story, I ask you to go my blog at and take a vote.


  1. I love the sound of this book! I'm not usually into contemporary romance but this sounds amazing and that excerpt has me hooked. I wouldn't mind reading more! thanks for sharing. :)

  2. Ahh just when it was getting good...Thanks for sharing ladies. Wow a labor delivery nurse and now an author. Labor and delivery nurses are amazing!

  3. Thank for featuring my guest post and excerpt on your blog. I consider it an honor and privilege to be here today. Your blog is great, so keep up the great work you do.


Talk to me lovely people! :)