Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Hippospotamus by Jeanne Willis & Tony Ross

My Review

Hippospotamus is an absolutely hilarious book that is now safely nestled on our favourites shelf! We are huge fans of rhyming books but we think this book tops any we have ever read!

My daughter's attention was riveted to every page and really there is nothing better than a child laughing out loud at a book from start to finish - also when a child says " please read it again!"

The Illustrations are full of fun, life and are just a wonderful complement to this humourous story!

The storyline follows a hippo who finds a spot on her bottom and her quest to find out what it is and how to get off....

Our favourite part was the ending - it is such a funny unexpected shocker that we couldn't quite believe it!

We highly recommend Hippospotamus for an all round giggly read - it really is tons of fun for all ages! Perhaps I possibly enjoyed it more than I should of.....

5/5 Stars!

Carly :)

*Special thanks to Andersen Press for the review copy*


1 comment:

  1. It's great that you both enjoyed this so much! Even better that your daughter wanted you to read it again. :) This sounds like a fun kids book. Lovely review, Carly!


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