Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Cover Reveal Of Insurgent by Veronica Roth

Set for release on the 1st May this year, the explosive sequel to the Goodreads 2011 Choice Awards winner DIVERGENT, is set to be one of the most anticipated books of the year.This is the beautiful cover reveal, pretty isn't it.?

This fantastic cover will tie in with the new look for the paperback of Divergent, due for release on the 2nd February 2012.

 I have to say I think these covers are beautiful, and I know everyone is super excited for the release of Insurgent. I just had to share them. :)

So guys thoughts?Do you like them?


  1. They are lovely, and oddly retro. I'm assuming there will be more? Curious what they'll have the next one as since they're obviously a build.

  2. Oddly enough, I really, really like these!

  3. They are very retro, I love them. Yes, I am curious as-well Heather. :)

  4. The love story between Tris and Four is definitely present throughout the book, but it's not the main focus. It develops around the big events surrounding the characters, and does not usurp them, which is good. They're both concerned with saving the world, and both realize that's more important than their relationship drama. A good realization to have, especially when you remember that they are still both teenagers.

    There are a lot of deaths in Insurgent. It's like Deathly Hallows and Mockingjay all over again. No one is safe. On the one hand, I hate when authors kill off good characters (especially when the nasty ones survive), because it hurts my little reader feelings. On the other hand, it really helps me not to become complacent as a reader when I realize that any of these characters could die at any time. There's not that feeling of, "well, this situation kinda sucks, but you know it'll be okay because there's no way she'd kill off that character." Nope, she would kill off that character. She proved it in Divergent, and it's even more prevalent in Insurgent.


Talk to me lovely people! :)